Your Words Carry Tremendous Energy

'If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.' - George Orwell

I find reading books brings me great joy - there is nothing better than a good book with inspiring words. A great book will inspire your imagination with the power of its words. However, I often find an inspirational quote on Facebook can do the same.

Your words carry trememdous energy

Your words carry trememdous energy

I also believe that the words you speak to yourself and others carry tremendous energy because the words you are habitually using are creating your reality. I so believe that if we can respect the power our words carry we can collaborate with that universal energy and create what we want. The universe will provide what you want by listening to the words you speak. If you change the words you speak to reflect words that represent what you want in life you will create your own abundance. If you want it, say it. Never say can't. You always can. It is really that simple. Your subconscious mind and the Universe will hear you and rise up to have a fantastic collaboration!

I've mentioned many times in previous blogs about gratitude and thoughts which help plant the seeds but our words are equally as important and they carry tremendous energy. So speak of what you want by using positive words and phrases and ask the universe to help you. You can change your world by changing your words. Positive abundant words and repeating them often will open up the channels to create a life you want. The Law of Abundance will work in alignment with what you want to create.

Your words and thoughts create your life. So make sure the Universe understands what you want by speaking of it! The universe will take care of you and provide for you. All the universe wants is your acknowledgement and connection to it's source. As Arianna often says, "Once we learn to trust it changes everything....". It's that simple. Our parents should be given a manual when we are born so they could teach us this life changing understanding. I also believe this should be taught in schools because changing your words will change your world and that's so empowering.

'Think twice before you speak because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure........' - Napoleone Hill

'Genius is the ability to receive from the universe.' - I Ching