It’s important to know that your self-worth is not defined by your net worth.
If your self-worth is determined by things outside of yourself then you are always going to go through fluctuations where times are good and times are bad.
Read MoreIt’s important to know that your self-worth is not defined by your net worth.
If your self-worth is determined by things outside of yourself then you are always going to go through fluctuations where times are good and times are bad.
Read MoreThis is the foundation of the Law of Attraction.
Quantum Physics says everything is energy. What will flow into your life is a copy of the feelings and beliefs you send out.
Cells behave with information they get from energy around your body. Atoms share information.
With some of my favourite things - whiskers on kittens and a poem that I have framed in my office and I wanted to share……..
‘You are your own greatest asset –
there is nothing you cannot do.
No one can keep you from dreaming
your dreams and only you can
prevent them from coming true.
Your achievements are not determined
by your ability alone, but by the desire
you possess to reach them.
There are no worlds outside of those you
create for yourself and the only boundaries
are those you establish and choose to live
Never be afraid to defend your decisions,
regardless. No one can possibly know what
is best for you other than yourself.’
With lots of love and light ❤️❤️✨✨
We’re here to understand the inner game of life and understanding how our subconscious mind works is the key.
It’s having clarity and awareness about why we attract certain situations into our lives.
Read MoreThe energy of the goddess has returned and is being anchored fully and powerfully.
We are giving birth to the empowered self, the authentic self.
I believe this is a watershed moment in history whereby the terrifying magnitude of sexual harassment and assault and abuse of power that has been going on behind closed doors for decades in Hollywood and in global corporations and governments has finally shocked the collective consciousness to say enough is enough. There is no going back from this.
Read MoreIf we didn’t make mistakes we would never learn and grow.
Forgiving yourself is loving yourself and is often the first step towards a more loving and positive relationship with yourself and with others.
Read MoreDaily rituals are where the power resides in a step-by-step process to get you to where you want to be. After all, you can plan for the future, but you can only take charge of the present moment. So take positive steps today towards your desired outcome and know that you will have everything you need in each moment that follows.
Read MoreLife is mirroring back to you what you are feeling inside.
So silence the mind in meditation, because the quieter you become the more you can hear.
Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.
Vibration is energy and the energy you hold in your thoughts and feelings on the inside attracts to you like a magnet the results on the outside.
Success is first an inside job before it can result on the outside – ask any successful sports person, CEO or entrepreneur.
Read MoreIn life and work, success begins with a goal.
Visualisation brings order to your mind and is actually based on neuroscience principles.
Read MoreWe can often forget that the most intimate and closest relationship we will ever have is with our own self. So talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.
Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.
Read MoreYour body is always communicating with you.
Your body is an amazing, finely tuned instrument. It performs so many tasks each day without us needing to consciously think about it. So this is a gentle reminder…
Read MoreWe’re really here to understand the inner game of life. Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions shape your world. So supercharge your life by understanding the power of quantum physics.
I think quantum physics is the coolest science of all as it can enhance every aspect of your life.
Read MoreI’m a big fan of Sir Anthony Seldon, not only as an acclaimed historian and one of Britain’s most prominent head teachers, but as a person too. I first met him when he was Headmaster of Wellington College, the independent school in Berkshire, where he had just introduced ‘happiness and well-being classes’ for pupils AND parents! He is co-founder of the national body, ‘Action for Happiness’ and governor of The Royal Shakespeare Company amongst many other attributes. I call him a modern day visionary!
Read MoreIf you’re going through a divine storm right now – see it as a gift.
We’ve all had a divine storm in our lives.
Moments when you feel that life/The Universe is against us.
Nothing is going well.
I call it a wake-up call.
Read MoreThe Law of Attraction states that what you focus on you will get, so focus on the outcome you want and remember that having all the things that we desire doesn’t guarantee what we really want, which is ultimately to be happy. Happiness really is a choice… you live in a positive and supportive universe that wants you to be successful and happy. When you set your positive intention you’ll feel the energy of the Universe supporting you. If you slip, say out loud to the universe what your intention is – the words you speak carry tremendous power.
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Manifestation is supposed to be effortless but we often get in the way of our own innate power to create. If we can train our minds to expect miracles then our experiences will radically change for the better. We just have to bust that resistance!
Read MorePerfectionism is a fear of not feeling good enough, which leads to procrastination - how to counterbalance this?
You were born to create change for a reason in your life and for others too.
You may have been told, 'The world does not revolve around you.’
Well, it does. It revolves around your beliefs, your mindset. Contrary to what we were brought up to believe!
Sarah Price is an international stylist extraordinaire to royalty and celebs and she also happens to be a dear friend. She has designed a revolutionary garment called a ‘Shimmy’ that provides women with the option of a sleeve. I felt honoured she asked me to become one of her Shimmy Shakers - an ambassador for this brilliant new versatile garment that can transform your current wardrobe.
Recently we sat down on a freezing December afternoon in London and where I shared my top Shimmy styling tips, career highlights and talked about spirituality and the power of a positive mindset… Enjoy!
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